Two Important Rules Which You Should Know
1. GogetSome pay you on a payper entry basis. Your income acquire for every captcha which you solve. Each transaction factor is known as PAY PER ENTRY.
2.The more effectivily you perform, i.e. the more captcha you solve without any mistake and type in case sensitive then increase your PAY PER ENTRY according to your level (Read Pay Per Entry Page).
There are two specific types of CAPTCHA.
1.Fortunate CAPTCHAs are qualified for 100% rewards. When you get one coming through your work-flow, you will listen to a audio.
2.Test CAPTCHAs are sent out arbitrarily as a qc used to calculate your level of precision. We are seeking for the very best requirements and do not accept considerably wrong records. If we find obvious mistakes, we source the right to decrease your PPE amount or to encourage an immediate account ban.
1. GogetSome pay you on a payper entry basis. Your income acquire for every captcha which you solve. Each transaction factor is known as PAY PER ENTRY.
2.The more effectivily you perform, i.e. the more captcha you solve without any mistake and type in case sensitive then increase your PAY PER ENTRY according to your level (Read Pay Per Entry Page).
How to Solve CAPTCHAs Right
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Fortunate CAPTCHAs and High quality Rate
There are two specific types of CAPTCHA.
1.Fortunate CAPTCHAs are qualified for 100% rewards. When you get one coming through your work-flow, you will listen to a audio.
2.Test CAPTCHAs are sent out arbitrarily as a qc used to calculate your level of precision. We are seeking for the very best requirements and do not accept considerably wrong records. If we find obvious mistakes, we source the right to decrease your PPE amount or to encourage an immediate account ban.